Online Registration is closed now. You can register ONSITE when you arrive at the Campsite
Camp Nageela Midwest: 26710 W. NIPPERSINK ROAD INGLESIDE, IL 60041 

"Develop unity. There is immense strength in unity. In unity, not only you, but also the country would have a chance to develop. Only love brings about unity." - Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 31 (1998) 

Dear Embodiments of Divine Love,

Sai Ram! On behalf of the North Central regional officers, conference coordinators, and conveners, I invite all of you to the 34th North Central Region (Region 5) Sai Conference and Retreat, to be held at Camp Nageela Midwest during August 30 - September 1 [Labor Day Weekend] with much love and enthusiasm. This year’s theme is "Strength in Unity"

This year’s retreat promises to be an inspiring, bliss-filled event with dynamic programs along with the guest speaker sessions. We are also planning for another fun-filled SSE camp this year.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba has told us to regard the Sai Organization as our ‘life breath’ and that it is our good fortune to be involved with it. He has shown in so many ways how His grace is showered on us when we participate in the Sai Organization, including the annual retreat, with selfless love. The retreat is a golden opportunity to immerse ourselves fully in Sathya Sai Baba’s Divine Love, utilizing that to deepen our spiritual practices.  

We are blessed with outstanding guest speakers this year, Dr. Suresh Govind, Br. Srinivas Mantripragada and Smt. Vimala Mantripragada who have many years of experience with Sai and dedicated participation in the Sai mission.  You can read more about them here. They will share Sai’s message of love, His works, and their experience of His omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence. In addition, we will have an opportunity for good company (satsang) with each other as we imbibe His message and discuss how to practice His teachings as His devotees to secure His Grace.

Please register ONSITE [Online Registration is closed now. You can register ONSITE when you arrive at the Campsite Camp Nageela Midwest: 26710 W. NIPPERSINK ROAD INGLESIDE, IL 60041 ] and help the organizing team to serve you better. If you need any help/assistance with the registration fee or with transportation, please feel free to reach out to us at

We are making every effort to make the retreat truly inspiring and enjoyable to all. It will be a very memorable experience for one and all, because of the variety of programs to address the theme, while allowing enough time for leisurely interaction with the rest of the Sai family.

We look forward to seeing you at the retreat!

In Loving service of Sai, 

Ramesh Malladi

President, North Central Region (Region 5)

Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO)

Online Registration is closed now. You can register ONSITE when you arrive at the Campsite Camp Nageela Midwest: 26710 W. NIPPERSINK ROAD INGLESIDE, IL 60041 

Retreat Team:

Swami says...

Man is carried away by his identification with the body and, therefore, he perceives diversity in creation. In fact, it is unity alone that is behind the apparent diversity. Whatever differences are there, they are only the creations of your mind. If you want to eliminate these differences and realise the principle of unity in diversity, you have to realise your true nature. You experience diversity when you turn your perception away from this fact of unity. Recognise the principle of unity.