SSE Camp Rules


Labor Day Retreat 2024

SSE Camp Rules

1.      COURTESY:  Out of consideration for others in a camp, we ask you to be QUIET in your room, especially in the evening hours after 9 P.M. 


2.     CURFEW will be established nightly by the chaperones.  Students must remain in their rooms after curfew.  Violation of this rule will result in possible grounding* and other actions as deemed appropriate by the chaperones.


3.      PROMPTNESS must be insisted upon for all scheduled activities.  This is out of consideration for all SSE camp participants.  Tardiness will result in an apology to the group and habitual tardiness may result in grounding.


4.     PARTICIPATION in planned activities is mandatory for all.


5.     UNSCHEDULED TIME:  Since chaperones care for your welfare, you must be in groups of at least four accompanied by a chaperone.


6.     NO leaving the group to join parents.


7.     ROOMS:  Participants under no circumstances and at no time may have anyone not participating in the camp in their room.  No boys are permitted in the girls’ rooms and no girls are permitted in the boys’ rooms.  Violation may result in grounding and further possible action by the chaperones.


8.     DRESS CODE:  All SSE students have to be in white.  For evening and Sunday camp activities casual clothes is permitted. However, girls may not have bare shoulders, and no one may wear shorts or jeans.  T shirts with written print is not permitted.


9.     LEAVING THE GROUP:  Anyone deliberately separating him/herself from the group will be excluded from the camp.


10.   ALL MEALS: You are expected to have all meals with the other campers.


11.  INFRACTIONS:  In addition to the penalties stated above, abuses of the regulations will be subject to the judgment of the chaperones.  Mitigation of the penalties is also the prerogative of the chaperones. 


Having read and understood the above rules and regulations, I understand that my son/daughter will be required to conduct him/herself in accordance with the above rules.  









*Grounding is confinement to the cabin with supervision.