Retreat Registration

Sai Ram!

If you are already familiar with our registration options, you can go to the appropriate registration form based on your needs. If you are new to the Region 5 Sai retreat registration, please review the 'Retreat Registration' info given below.

Online Registration is closed now. You can register ONSITE when you arrive at the Campsite
Camp Nageela Midwest: 26710 W. NIPPERSINK ROAD INGLESIDE, IL 60041 


Before you click the registration link below and start filling the Registration Form, please read the material on this page about the registration options and review Our Beliefs and Retreat GoalsWorking Agreements, Health and Safety Guidelines from CDC and Local Authorities

Here is our "Unconditional Refund Policy"; No strings attached. 

You don't need to worry at all. 

You can cancel and get 100% refund if you can't attend the Retreat for any reason. 

No questions asked.

Stay in Cabins

Cabin Stay, 2 nights, 6 meals
[Package for staying in cabins at campsite]

Adults (40+ yrs) : $160  

Young Adults (18-40 yrs): $160

Kids (12-17 yrs) : $120

Kids (6-11 yrs): $104

Kids (0-5 yrs): $0

Daily Visits

Daily Visits, 2 days, 6 meals
[Full Package for people staying outside the Campsite (hotels, motels, homes, etc.) and visiting the campsite daily ]

Adults (40+ yrs) : $116  

Young Adults (18-40 yrs): $116

Kids (12-17 yrs) : $116

Kids (6-11 yrs): $116

Kids (0-5 yrs): $0

Region 5 Retreat Registration Options

Retreat starts on Friday evening and ends on Sunday night. Each Registration Option consists of 3 parts:

Within each Stay Option category, you will see different options (packages with different lengths of stay and meals). The price for each Option / Package varies based on the Age Group of the Attendee. Different Age Groups are given below:

AD - Adults (40+ yrs); K0 - Kids (0-5) yrs; K1 - Kids (6-11 yrs); K2 - Kids (12-17 yrs); YA - Young Adults (18-40 yrs)


Full Registration Package under different Stay Option Categories:

  [Cabin Stay, 2 nights, 6 meals]--AD=$160, K0=$0, K1=$104, K2=$120, YA=$160

  [Daily Visits, 2 days, 6 meals]--AD=$116, K0=$0, K1=$116, K2=$116, YA=$116

If you want to stay in campsite cabins (nice lodge with clean beds) with full registration, you should select option  [Cabin Stay, 2 Nights, 6 Meals with the code CS-2N-6M]. 

You can buy additional Meals onsite at the Registration Room.

Swami says...

Service rendered without egoism, however small, can be highly beneficial. It must emanate from a tender heart which responds to every sob and groan and is ready to renounce and suffer gladly. One must have the eagerness to get involved with others to feel fullness thereby. One must cultivate forbearance and inner strength, in order to avoid resentment at criticism and ridicule while one is engaged in joyful service.

 Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 18 (1985)