Health and Safety

Health and Safety

Follow the latest CDC guidelines for your situation

Region-5 Labor Day Retreat COVID guidelines 

1.       ​Use of Mask is highly recommended whenever you are in close proximity  with your fellow delegates other than your immediate family member.

2.       Please maintain a safe distance from your fellow retreat attendees at all times especially during breakfast/lunch/dinner, etc. since we will be removing our masks. We are working on  providing ample space inside and outside of the dining halls.

3.      ​It is recommended that you refrain from attending the Retreat if you have  symptoms such as chills, Body ache, Fever, Vomiting etc. You may already know that some of the  COVID variants may test negative first  and test positive only  a couple days after the symptom starts. So, please seek appropriate advise of a medical professional. 

4.       If you develop any symptoms after coming to the Retreat, you may please contact Dr. Ramadevi at 515-574-9614 for advice. 

We pray and humbly request all to adhere to recommended guidelines though it may seem a little different than what is recommended by the CDC. We are only trying to make this retreat a safe and happy environment for all. Jai SaiRam!