Sai Family Time

Sai Family Time : 1 to 3 PM on Saturday, August 31st  

Goal : To bring together all Sai families, adults, YAs, SSE children to have fun and to create art!

 Participants : Everyone - SSE children, YAs and all Sai adults.

Centers can choose to participate in 1, 2 or all 3 of the following events.

Register through this link 

 Eco-friendly Rangoli competition

a.       Each center can bring 2 teams - 1 SSE team and 1 YA/ Adults group.

b.      Rangolis can be made from any environmentally friendly materials like Rice, Whitestone Powder, Grains, Charcoal, Flowers, Petals, and more. 

c.       Rules & regulations: 

·         The competition will be group-wise - between SSE groups and between YA/ Adults. 

·         3 - 6 participants per group.  

·         Participants will bring painters’ paper to do the rangoli on and must bring all material needed for the rangoli from home.


Sweet-A-Thon is a dessert making competition for a "Sweet" Cause.

a.       Desserts can be sweets, pies, and salads.

b.      Each center can bring 2 teams.

c.       A team can have 3 – 6 members.

d.      Teams are responsible for bringing their own ingredients.

e.       Artificially processed ingredients cannot be used. Only natural and sathwic ingredients can be used.

f.        Each team will have to include an ingredients card with the final product.

g.      There will be no gas stoves or ovens available.

h.      Hygiene must be observed. Please use gloves and hair nets (or scarves) while preparing the treats. 

i. The created desserts will be donated to "Lake County Haven" Women's shelter in Libertyville, IL. Please make sure to make enough quantity to feed 10 people. Thank you!

Painting/ Artwork

a.       Everyone is invited to come be creative. 1-2 participants per group.  

b.      All artworks must relate to the retreat theme – Strength in Unity.

c.       We will have sheets of paper, and colors for people to come create art.

d. Artwork needs to be fully done ONLY at the retreat site, during the "Sai Family time".